Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day my kids bought me the movie Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Now that we have seen all of the movies it's time to read the books and show them how different the actual stories are. I also have a larger memory card for my camera (don't have to worry about running out of room now.) thanks to my oldest. She knows I can be paranoid about deleting pictures. It was a nice quiet day. I got to talk to Randy while he was prepping for work.
Each time I see him, I regret the amount of time I wasted on anger and resentment, but unfortunately we can go back, only move forward. So plans for Seattle are set and I pray everything works out so that he and I can reconnect and move forward in our future.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mom's graduation

YEA!!!!! Amma graduated today with her associates degree and has made a goal of finishing her Bachelor's Degree and is considering a Master's Degree. It was nice to be able to drive down and see her graduate. We also got to spend some time at the park having a picnic lunch with her and with my Uncle Sam. Life is going well.