Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day my kids bought me the movie Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Now that we have seen all of the movies it's time to read the books and show them how different the actual stories are. I also have a larger memory card for my camera (don't have to worry about running out of room now.) thanks to my oldest. She knows I can be paranoid about deleting pictures. It was a nice quiet day. I got to talk to Randy while he was prepping for work.
Each time I see him, I regret the amount of time I wasted on anger and resentment, but unfortunately we can go back, only move forward. So plans for Seattle are set and I pray everything works out so that he and I can reconnect and move forward in our future.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mom's graduation

YEA!!!!! Amma graduated today with her associates degree and has made a goal of finishing her Bachelor's Degree and is considering a Master's Degree. It was nice to be able to drive down and see her graduate. We also got to spend some time at the park having a picnic lunch with her and with my Uncle Sam. Life is going well.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Helen Ga

Cierra had asked to visit Helen while we were on Spring Break this past week. We drove down (I only got lost 1time going and coming home) with amma and the kids just to have a little break. While we were there we got to play putt putt (one of my favorite games), visit all kinds of little shops, and a train museum. The train museum was phenomenal. There were 2 viewing levels and I'm pretty sure we still didn't get to see everything. The kids are begging to go back when daddy comes home so he can see it too. After walking around a little while we hopped in the car and drove about 5 minutes up to Anna Ruby Falls. Ok so I was nervous driving on the mountain roads but it was worth it. We hiked about 1/2 mile up the side of the mountain to get to the falls. It was a nice hike and the kids noticed many different flowers and trees, as well as a skink eating a worm. Cameron was fascinated with the water flowing down the rock faces from out of 'nowhere'. We didn't make it to the Cabbage Patch Hospital but maybe we can make it the next time we go.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mysteriously flying frogs

Okay so I have this magnetic book mark with a frog on it. I like it because a frog reminds me to: Fully Rely On God. Anyway, I use it in my Daily Bible even though logically I could just look up the date but I like the frog. SO last night after I finished reading the chapters of the day, I looked for the bookmark to put on the pages. Not laying next to me where I had seen it earlier. Strip the bed and remake to see if it got tangled up. Nope. Check living room, kitchen, kitchen table, computer desks, bathroom, front hall (you get the picture). No frog bookmark. Okay, I surrender. I will look in the morning. So I lay back on my pillow and glance at the ceiling. You guessed it, there stuck to the air conditioner register is my frog book mark. I love kids with imaginations.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lesson learned.

This one I regret but it was a lesson learned (by all involved). We had driven in to our neighborhood coming home from church and as when came around the (randomly placed) median I looked in the rear view mirror to see Cameron sprawled across the top of the back seat like a cat on a window sill. Well I was fed up with the disobedience of unbuckling the seat belt while I am driving. So I hit the brakes HARD. I should have looked at everyone else in the car before making that snap decision. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Caitlin flying face first into the back of the front seat. My first thought was oh great I probably just broke her nose. I pulled over and walked around the van feeling like the worst parent in the world to check on her. Thankfully God watches out for fools and idiots (and I fit both categories on occasion) so she was fine, in some pain and scared, but fine. I let her sleep with me so that I could keep tabs on her thru the night (just in case). This is where I figure I did my penance because she sleeps all over the bed. Therefore, I slept very little on any of it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


So tonight the weather was suppose to include thunderstorms and high winds. The temperature change was so quick that we got hail instead. The kids were watching it out the back door and so we grab a few pieces so that they could hold and see it first hand. Caitlin looks down and in awe says "It's ice, made by God." Corbin pipes in with "Can we eat it?" Leave it to a home school kid. After crunching it around in his mouth his verdict was "It tastes a lot cleaner than normal ice". Cameron's 2-cents: "God makes everything clean, except dirt". Love the logic of kids.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bad storms & Doctor Visits

Took Corbin today for a follow up from the neck fiasco on April 2nd. Muscle strain is the diagnosis ( figured that but wanted the documentation that I did go back for a check). Dr Shoemaker did want me to bring Corbin back to evaluate the recent change in the way he walks. Corbin has developed a Charlie Chaplin type gait. and his left shoulder is now higher than his right. I'm not worried but would like to know if he's just growing faster on one side than the other. Leave it to him to be different.

Last night there were severe storms that swept thru between 4 and 6 am. I had gone to bed at about midnight and the storm woke me up at about 4. I turned on the news for updates and there were tornado watches and warnings popping up left and right so of course I didn't go back to sleep. I really need to buy a weather radio. So when the storm began to subside around 6:15 I dozed off. Or so I thought. I was solid asleep and missed getting up to at least say good morning to Cierra. I felt terrible. Even though I don't make it up some mornings in time to spend the full 30 minutes with her before she leaves for school, I do try hard to get up and say good morning and "I love you" before she leaves. I was very thankful that the rain had ended in time for her to make it to the bus stop without getting wet. Oh the arrggghh moment of the day: the front windows of the van were open during the storm so the interior of the van is wet and will probably take a couple of days to dry out...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Yay! no cavities

So today was the dentist appointment I was dreading. But thankfully all mouths are currently new cavity free. Cameron still has the old ones hidden by crowns or fillings. All three were troopers and behaved well. Caitlin's palate seems to be way narrow so we're going to "watch it" and see how she grows, which is typically code for "save up we're headed for the orthodontist!" Cameron only has 3 baby teeth left ( I almost cried) and Corbin for once is the normal one. The boys also finished reading their individual books without me having to repeatedly remind them. So all in all, an okay kind of day...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What was that for?

I was sitting in nursery tonight and Caitlin and Denver were sitting at the table coloring. Caitlin got up, walked around the table and hugged Denver. Denver hugged her back then looked at her and said " What was that for?" Caitlin's reply " Because I needed it" Denver ( looking a mite confused) "Well okay". It always fascinates me when random acts of kindness or spontaneous joy confuse other people. Some like Denver take it at face value and go with the flow, where as others have to 'figure it out'. Occasionally I will pay for the order of the person behind me in the drive thru. The kids think this is absolutely one of the funnest things to do, so much that they all spin around in their seats to try and see the reaction as we pull off. Some of the faces have been priceless. So confuse somebody today and show them God thru a random act of kindness.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

And the weird continues to happen...

Today I was supposed to go help set up the mad hatter's tea party girl scout event at our church. Well the day took a slight turn at about 8:45am. The boys were upstairs supposedly getting ready to go with me to help. I heard the typical brotherly noises followed by a loud angry scream. At first I thought Cameron had just aggravated Corbin to the anger point so I ignored it. Then the screaming was accompanied by crying. And it continued. So up the stairs I go. Cameron is standing in the middle of the room looking dumbfounded and Corbin is laying face down in the floor holding the back of his neck and otherwise not moving. I asked Corbin to stand up, he attempted to move, screamed and began to cry harder. My next words were to Cameron: "Oh great! You broke your brother's neck." Probably not a fine parenting moment but not unusual for me. So the explanation began and amazingly both boys gave the same version. Corbin was laying on his back on the floor and when he lifted his feet in the air Cameron grabbed his feet and wound up flipping Corbin over, heels over head. Unfortunately Corbin's head didn't roll to the side so all the weight was on his neck when his chin hit his chest.

A few hours and a few x-rays later we were assured there was no damage to the spine or spinal cord. Of course he was going to hurt for a few days. So we stopped by the store to get a heating pad, pain medicine and a reward for not screaming during the x-rays even though they were painful. He chose a Halo building blocks set ( surprise surprise) and was happy to be pampered.

Thankfully the Tea Party turned out fabulous and Missy was able to rescue me (again) by unlocking the building.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Great Friends

Today started out as a bummer kind of day. The cough and cold are still holding on, its chilly outside, Cierra and I are still not"communicating effectively" which really hurts my heart, and I'm just plain tired. Then Missy and Diane took me out to lunch for my anniversary. Married 12 years, some good, some great, some not so much. But we've made it 12 years and this one he's doing his remote tour. He and I aren't "communicating effectively" either so maybe it's me since I'm the common element. But back to my happy spot, Lunch with Missy and Diane. We went to Sambino's and just chatted or sat quietly enjoying the company. Thanks to them I now I have book about Living in God's Love not waiting for earthly type love to be perfect (cuz it never will be) and a daily devotional Bible that will help me accomplish reading thru the Bible in a year which has been one of my goals this year. It's nice to have friends who love you when you're not exactly a lovable person.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Box from Daddy

When the mail came today it included a doorbell ring. The kids and dog immediately were excited. On the step was a box. In the box a gift and note from Daddy for each child. Caitlin has carried her 5-purse around everywhere she goes with the letter Daddy wrote safe inside. Cameron and Corbin bothe spent time playing their games and then traded so that they got to play bothe games. Cierra was sooo excited that both pairs of shoes Daddy sent her fit, so much that she's planning on wearing them to school. She just needs to pick the "right" outfit to show them off. It amazes me how we call, text or email but no matter who you are a card or package in the mail box can make almost anyone smile.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catching up...

After the ARRGGHH week, things have been hectic but not so bad. Stress has been high but good friends have gotten me through. The kids got to fly with Commander Jesse and the boys shot off their rockets. Elaine took pictures so I can't wait to see them and possibly post some from that day. Diane rode with me to Winthrop to hear Cierra perform with All State. The performances were great and we had fun listening to the adventures of the previous days from Cierra. Diane video taped several of the songs so hopefully I can upload those also.

Today Cierra received a Golden Apple award at school. Her teachers nominated her for her diligence. Fittingly she would have rather been in class than at the awards ceremony.

i believe baby picture video

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A note...

I received this in an email today and I needed it.

"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

Monday, March 7, 2011

What a week...

Okay It's actually been a little longer than a week (maybe, idk anymore) but that title just didn't work so here we go...
It's been a rough week (or so) I have had the rotten cold that's been going around and a week later when I am actually feeling worse than ever people ask incredulously "you're still sick?" as if I was holding on to the illness because I was enjoying it. The van is dead in the driveway, and the car keeps peeing oil on the other side of the driveway. I didn't get to take pictures at Cierra's show. I have students that are just amazingly self centered, condescending and altogether royal pains. There's no break between semesters so I go from being pissed off at two pains to facing a class of 26 and starting all over again. Girl Scout cookies are in the garage, there are 2 more cookie booths and the girl scout that lives here could care less. The dog is puking unless we crush her food into an almost powdered state, and to top everything, I installed google phone to be able to occasionally call Randy, I called him, he sounded confused, he didn't know who it was and then he ended the call. To say the least all I could do was cry...  And yes I know there are people with much bigger problems and struggles. And yes I know they are probably handling it all with grace and dignity but honestly good for them. Because right now I'm not and that's that. So, pity party at my house because I can.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Only child (for a little while)

For a brief few hours today, Caitlin was an only child. She helped me worry over whether or not I was going to get lost trying to find Vandy's house. In fact she asked several times: "Mommy, you sure you know the destructions how to get there?" It's sad that even my 4 year old knows I can get lost with very little effort. She and I went to 'lunch' at Sonic and ate dessert first and 'real' food last. We went to the park and she played all over the playground, and she helped me sort the stacks of Girl Scout cookies while Go Fish guys blared on the radio. It was nice to be able to focus on just her for a little while. I need to do it more often.
Then we went to pick up Cierra and she asked to listen to the "Bellawood" song on Daddy's CD again so we did and she fell asleep in the backseat of the car.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Turtle Dances

On friday my hilarious thought of the day was turtle dances. Here's the situation: I was driving Cierra home from school down Brewington. When I got the curve where the pond with the waterwheel is on the left, there was a turtle in the road. SO per my usual routine, I stopped the car and got out to "rescue it". Well I found out the turtle was much larger than I expected when I reached down and realized the width of its shell was wider than my hands side by side and longer than Randy's boot. But I'm no wimp so I started to pick it up anyway and it weighed about 15lbs (3 bags of sugar). Still I can handle it. Yeah right, about 5 inches off the ground it decided it didn't want to be helped. ( I figure it was afraid of flying) The thing quickly turned its head and snapped at my hand. Okay at this point my dignity went kaput and I squealed, yes I squealed and of course dropped the turtle.
So new approach, walk around in front of the turtle and "shoo" it off of the road. I tried to use my foot to move it, it snapped ( whoever said turtles were slow, never tried to 'help' one in a bad mood) and hissed. I never knew turtles could hiss. I tried 'shooing' it again, and almost lost a leg. (Ok maybe that's an exaggeration but I do believe that was the turtle's goal). Then my last attempt (this sounds so stupid in retrospective) I tried stomping on the ground to scare it the other direction. No luck. Also at this point the turtle was so sick of me it used its' own tactics and started to chase me. Yes, chase me. That is also when I noticed its' very long claws. Being the somewhat intelligent human being I surrendered while yelling 'Demon Turtle', climbed in the van and watched it return to the exact same spot I found it in. I could hear its' thoughts as I drove away "Stupid human, this is MY spot". Everyone in the line of cars that built up behind the van wnet home with at least a smile and a story to share.

Cookies Cookies Cookies

Okay It's Girls Scout cookie time. I have come to realize over the years that this is not just a fundraiser for the girls but a major industry with a cut throat mentality. It is easy to get sucked into the GRRR of the competition element. This year I find that I can finally say it's whatever. I set up the cookie boothes for the girls, I have put in their initial orders but now it's up to them. I will send whatever is left over to Randy so he can distribute them to either airman who need a boost or to the orphanage the chapel goes to visit. We shall see how things go.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New RKs and the social class issue

Last night I had a new little boy show up for Ranger kids. I was excited to see a new face and really hope his family continues to come. I realized though that this is going to be an interesting time because he's definitely not from a "churchy family". He started his introduction to the group with 'There was an 8 year old picking on my little brother today and I knocked the boy out and I'm only 6'. I knew I had a challenge on my hands because this is a mentality that is learned at home. My struggle is how to teach a different mentality without saying your family is wrong for thinking that way. I guess it's just one step at a time. Then after church was over, the teacher of the younger group approached me and let me know that next week she is sending his little brother up early because "He's just not going to work in my class". So now I have the double challenge of brothers with a "fight first" mentality and a boy who is too young for my class. More planning is going to be needed on my part.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I received a phone call today from an acting camp in New York City. The guy was calling to answer any questions Cierra and I may have had and encourage her to make the trip for a 4 week seesion. The cost: approximately $7000. She would live in a dormitory in New York for 4 weeks, gain 6 college credits and be on her own for the first time in her life. I would love to give her this opportunity, but again I have to be the one to say: I'm sorry we can't afford it. Are our circumstances limiting her future career progression? Are the choices I've made going to limit her dreams. I can tell you it's times like these that it hurts to be a mom. All I can do is pray that her true path is shown and she reaches her dream in spite of me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Day, Another day

It can be very frustrating sometimes when your kids know what they need to do but choose to see how long you will go without reeling them in. I let the boys go today, no yelling, no threatening, just waited them out. Once they started working they actually completed their assignments fairly quickly. Now tomorrow it will be a matter of do they want to paint their model rockets or not. If so then they will have to get it together quicker. I need to continue to consistently working with Caitlin on her stuff while she's still excited about it. Cierra is helping me bring back math skills that are covered in dust bunnies. It's been a long time since I had to teach pre-cal skills. SO overall not too bad a day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A passionate child

Cierra went with Sammy to see a piano/comedian perform. At first I don't think she wanted to go but in the end she was glad that she did. What fasciantes me is that on the somewhat eclectic list of music that he played, Cierra new the lyrics to all but 2 of them. After the other kids went to bed she talked about all the different songs and how she recognized them and knew which performers did the best version of each, etc. I have always known how important music was to her, but to witness the passion and excitement was a joy. How much experience I am able to provide for her at this moment is limited by where we live (small town life), finances, and time. I can pray though that the college that will provide the greatest opportunity for her will present itself and be attainable.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another day

Ookay today was interesting, not bad, not great but ok. Caitlin finally had the typical gum in the hair childhood incident. Now her hair is a little shorter but she's happy with it. Ms Monique tried getting it out to no avail. Poor baby looks like her mom now. Just smaller.



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Blues

Not sure what it was about today but everyone seemed a little off. The boys accomplished very little, grocery store took forever, Cierra is still down and not really talking which worries me, and Caitlin's room is a nightmare. Taxes were rejected because I typed Cameron's SSN in wrong. Okay Shelly told me I had to find 1 happy thought each day... Okay still working on that one. Going to pray then go to sleep. Tomorrow should be better.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Science Project

Today for science the boys assembled their windmill kits. It was the perfect day for it because there was a wind advisory. They had a fun time and used Caitlin's hair to tell which way the wind was blowing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Days Fly By

 I noticed that although I am on the computer every day, I have missed a few days of updating the blog. On Saturday we went bed shopping for Caitlin, had lunch at the bowling alley and then took the dog to the dog park on base. Of course she whined when the kids went to the park next door to play. There are pictures and video on the web album. Eventually I may learn how to embed them here but not so far. Cierra sang beautifully in church on Sunday and I have been trying to upload that one but so far no luck. The kids spent the day Friday learning about cleaning so that Cierra would not be embarrassed about the mess that had accumulated all around the living room and kitchen. She had 3 friends come over to rehearse some of the Peter Pan lines and stuff. I was really impressed with her friends and enjoyed having them over. So the business continues but so far so good...

Valentines Pictures

The Valentines Day photos provided by the Hearts Apart program.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Awards night

Cierra's in charge!

Awards night

Cameron waiting for his turn.

Awards night

Corbin reciting the memory verse.

Awards night

Caitlin wasn't feeling too great but did a good job anyway.

Made it thru

Last night was the awards night for Rangers and Girls Ministries. It was my turn to present the RKs and I did fairly well. The boys knew their Gold Points, did their handshake for everyone, and showed off their flag. I have been working on the sign language merit with Cameron and Corbin so hopefully they will be able to pass that one soon. I will post a video of the song they choose as soon as we have perfected it. Caitlin actually said her memory verse and motto. She also got a button that says "Honor Rainbow" because she has completed 22 units. Denver was sad because he has one more unit to finish in order to get his button. They showed the video of David and Jonathan for the church and the parents enjoyed it. So far so good, Now I have a couple of projects to put together before the parent meeting on Sunday to keep the program interesting.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Its morning and all is quiet-for now.

   I can say that the only sounds in the house right now are the clicking of the keyboard keys, and the jingle of the dog's tags. I know it won't last for long because soon the younger kids will be awake and the buzz of childrens' energy will begin. I will enjoy the quiet for now. Homeschooling is an interesting conundrum. The joy of having your children at home and watching them grow and learn everyday is a blessing. The frustration of stubborn days where work takes forever to get done is a lesson in patience. Which, by the way God, I quit praying for patience. So why still test me in that area? We have been working but I can't get over the stress of what if I have to put them back in school, will they be able to succeed?
   Also helping the oldest figure out how to write papers at a different level as she makes her way through her college classes without the suggestions being perceived as a personal attack of her self worth is a challenge. She already says "My mom's my biggest critic." instead of "My mom's my biggest fan" which bothers me. My goal has always to have her be her best so the world would know how special she is.
  My goal for today is to get the younger kids through their school work before 23:00, get the oldest to rehearsals this afternoon, and mark off at least 2 things on the TO DO list.  Good luck to me!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project Beginning

Diane came over today and we started working on the "movie" for the song that Rhonda is singing this month. It was neat to work on it with someone who understood when I said I was looking for the 'right' picture to fit the moment in the song. It also made it easier to eliminate some photos and leave others. I will post the movie here when it is finished.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I believe movie with baby photos

I received these photos in an uplifting email, chose one of my favorite songs, and I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Leaving Day

Today we dropped Daddy off at the airport. The kids were sad to see him get on the plane but know that the countdown has begun. We look forward to reading his posts here of how things are going and posting pictures for him to see.